Monday, January 14, 2008

Intemperate Rants

(Note: Reposted from the myspace blog)

Well, writing takes up more time than I thought. So I thought I'd write a few lines to get the blood boiling and dive a little deeper when I have the time. Gird your loins and venture forth into the madness!


- Never assume a conspiracy unless you have completely eliminated incompetence as a cause.

- Love is not a battlefield; it's a crime scene.

- The worst thing about modern liberalism and its adherent's zeal to promote programs which foster government dependency, is that this ideology, with its accompanying public policies, corrodes an individual's faith in himself, his neighbors and in God, but invites that same individual to place his faith in government, an institution that has never been, and never will be, worthy of such devotion.

- "Ye shall be as gods" was the first and is still the greatest temptation of man.

- Soccer is not a sport, it is a European method of masturbation, entirely unsatisfying and unworthy of a patriot's attention. Single mom's and parents too busy to involve themselves in their children's upbringing prefer soccer. It is the only activity wherein you can give your child the ball, tell him not to use his hands, kick it in the goal and then sit down. Baseball and football require knowledge, time, and effort; things despised by the zeitgeist.

- Contrary to what many academics believe, the Constitution does not guarantee most of the new rights, which have been discovered by the courts in the last 50 years, nor does it prohibit many of the federal or state laws and policies that the courts have struck down in the same period of time. Many pronouncements of modern day courts smack of condescension masquerading as enlightened opinion. This is the very definition of oligarchy.

- Why can't politicians just speak their mind? Are voters so naïve as to expect that they would find someone to vote for with whom they agree on every single matter? This is not possible in marriage, much less between voter and office seeker.

- There is nothing better than eating White Castles in St. Louis at 2:00 AM with old friends. It helps to be drunk though.

- When Albert Pujols retires, everyone will concede that he is the greatest right handed hitter in history.

- Islam is the only major religion in the world based upon violence and conquest. Until it undergoes a major reformation, lasting peace is unlikely. As it is, to paraphrase Mark Twain, such fanatics cannot be reformed, except maybe with a shotgun.

- To my knowledge, there is no major ideology or movement committed to exterminating the Palestinian people. The Jewish people, on the other hand, have been sought out and hunted by enemies great and small for centuries. Yet, the chattering class is always going on about the "plight" of the Palestinians, with not so much as a sniff towards the Jewish victims of muslim terrorism.

- Any person who says "Happy Holidays" or "Season's Greetings" instead of "Merry Christmas" should be banished henceforth.

- The phrase "A Wall of Separation between Church and State" is no where to be found in the Federal Constitution. A Federal Judge has no authority to tell any State or local government ANYTHING concerning religion, so long as no citizen is subject to criminal or civil penalties for not adhering to a particular religious viewpoint. No enumerated right in the Constitution guarantees that you will be given no offense or that you can prevent your community, school or State from expressing a religious viewpoint on nearly any matter and in nearly any form. Your true recourse for such "offense" is the ballot box or the moving truck.

- The Constitution does not guarantee fairness in life or equal results. Anyone who tells you that life can be made fair or easy is selling something.

- "An armed society, is a polite society" - Robert Heinlein. 'Nuff Ced!

- 90% of the "science" used by environmentalists is mere bunk trumped up to scare people towards the false refuge of luddite socialism.

- Most people in constant lasting poverty are "slaves to blame". They are fettered by the idea that their circumstances are the result of sinister actions by evil people and the unfairness of life. Personal liberation begins by accepting responsibility for one's life and determining to make it better. How many people waste away their lives waiting for someone else or some politician to come and rescue them.

- Success is the result of a combination of hard work, persistence and good fortune. You have control over only two of these facets and try as we might, good fortune cannot be doled out via government social programs. Get used to it!

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