Wednesday, November 5, 2008


We who have functioning brain cells and who are capable of seeing things the left is incapable of seeing, like trade-offs and moral hazards, hereby state the following:

1) We NEVER again want to hear another word about this being a racist country! If Obama is the messiah, we and our children are forever absolved of any past racial sins from this point forward to the end of time.

2) We NEVER again want to hear Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson or their mind-numbed minions speak about being oppressed. As a matter of fact, they have outlived all usefulness to society in general, retirement is in order.

3) Their is no longer any logical or rational basis for any affirmative action program or policy.

4) Anybody who claims they can't make in this society because of their race is now officially a lying, lazy bastard deserving of nothing more than contempt.

5) We never want to hear about how the rest of the world views this country. They have their man in office. If they don't like us now, to Hell with them.

6) Slavery, Jim Crow & segregation are now just historical curiosities. No one need feel guilty about this country's past anymore. Our sins have been absolved.

7) All rap music is from this moment forward, entirely unnecessary. Black president = You have nothing to bitch about!

9) We never again want to hear any whining from the likes of Chris Matthews et al or any venom spewing forth from the cavernous mouth and empty head of Keith Olberman. That is if they can ever remove their lips from Obama's royal tuckus!

10) Finally anything bad that happens over the next 4 years is now officially on Obama, the Democrats and the backs of their supporters. Good Luck!

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