Monday, January 14, 2008

Huckabee, Hillary, Obama & Fred

(Reposted from the myspace blog)

Huckabee wins Iowa, Fred in 3rd

Meanwhile, Obama trounces Hillary

What does it mean? Everything and nothing. Media-anointed favorites have their viability questioned while supposed also-rans get a second look from the prophets and the pundits.

My take on Huckabee: Everyone assumes his Iowa victory was the result of those extreme right wing nutcase middle-west jihadists, the evangelicals (Shrieks of Horror!!!) Is this true? Yes, to some degree. But I truly believe that the Governor's endorsement of the Fair Tax had a significant impact. If Fred wants an extra octane boost, he should consider endorsing an idea whose time has truly come.

I'm not a huge Huckabee fan, who is anti-free trade and an endorser of the big government populism of George W. Bush. (Calling either one a true conservative is a misnomer) But the Fair Tax is such a huge idea that represents such a huge transfer of power out of Washington and back to the people, I could stomach to vote for the guy if he gets the Republican nod.

And props to Obama. But beware, no one plays dirty like the Clintons and Obama is now number one on her hit list. Like Sauron, she does not share power. If she can't coerce Obama into the Clinton's VP role over the next few weeks, she will dig up more dirt on him than a dog burying a bone. If Barack has any skeletons, best to out them his self, now, because the psycho bitch-queen of the hoary netherworld will find them and exploit them for her advantage.

It was refreshing, however, to see Hitlary send in her entire campaign organization, her philandering hubby, and all that money only to come in third! Another point, if Obama can get the nomination, which is still a long shot, we might actually have a campaign about issues instead of personalities. Conservatives and Libertarians should always welcome that.

As for my boy Fred Thompson, a strong showing and some quick last minute fund raising bought him a ticket to the next dance. I still believe in this age that the conservative message needs an effective educator and communicator and Fred is by far better than any other candidate in that respect. He is also the only one taking truly classical liberal positions on the proper role of the federal government and the economy while remaining committed to defeating Islamic Extremism. Hmmmm......a Thompson-Huckabee ticket with McCain as the Secretary of Defense in waiting.......[Spock voice]"Fascinating."

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